DeepL API Documentation - everything you need to get started with the DeepL Application Programming Interface. Integrate DeepL functionality into your CAT tool or your own application with ease.
- BG - Bulgarian
- CS - Czech
- DA - Danish
- DE - German
- EL - Greek
- EN - English
- ES - Spanish
- ET - Estonian
- FI - Finnish
- FR - French
- HU - Hungarian
- ID - Indonesian
- IT - Italian
- JA - Japanese
- KO - Korean
- LT - Lithuanian
- LV - Latvian
- NB - Norwegian (Bokmål)
- NL - Dutch
- PL - Polish
- PT - Portuguese (all Portuguese varieties mixed)
- RO - Romanian
- RU - Russian
- SK - Slovak
- SL - Slovenian
- SV - Swedish
- TR - Turkish
- UK - Ukrainian
- ZH - Chinese
- BG - Bulgarian
- CS - Czech
- DA - Danish
- DE - German
- EL - Greek
- EN - English (unspecified variant for backward compatibility; please select EN-GB or EN-US instead)
- EN-GB - English (British)
- EN-US - English (American)
- ES - Spanish
- ET - Estonian
- FI - Finnish
- FR - French
- HU - Hungarian
- ID - Indonesian
- IT - Italian
- JA - Japanese
- KO - Korean
- LT - Lithuanian
- LV - Latvian
- NB - Norwegian (Bokmål)
- NL - Dutch
- PL - Polish
- PT - Portuguese (unspecified variant for backward compatibility; please select PT-BR or PT-PT instead)
- PT-BR - Portuguese (Brazilian)
- PT-PT - Portuguese (all Portuguese varieties excluding Brazilian Portuguese)
- RO - Romanian
- RU - Russian
- SK - Slovak
- SL - Slovenian
- SV - Swedish
- TR - Turkish
- UK - Ukrainian
- ZH - Chinese (simplified)