'마크 파버'에 해당되는 글 1건

  1. 2009.09.05 마크 파버 인터뷰 - 2주내 의미있는 조정

9월 2일인가... 최근 인터뷰 내용입니다.


1. 앞으로 2주내에 Big move 가 있을 것이다.

2. 유로/달러 가 변동성이 작아지고 (이거 wedge shape 으로 수렴하고 있죠.) 있다. 참고로 지금까지 랠리의 가장 중요한 원인은 달러 약세였죠.

3. 2주내에 강달러가 오고 주식이 의미있게 조정받을 것이다.





아래는 인터뷰 중에 일부인듯...


I Believe That In The Next 2 Weeks We Will Have Big Moves In The Markets"

We should not look on-ly at indexes because a lot of stocks now are lower then they were in May, like the oil stocks, resource stocks are down from the peak in May/June of this year.

So, some correction has been under way already and also in global markets we had corrections like in China where the index is down almost 20% from the peak and isn`t higher then in June.

So after this run up in stock prices we had between March and June, since then the market has continued to go up, but the big move was between March and June.

I would also like to point out that the Euro currency has been trading in a narrow range against the US dollar, since June we are at the same level around 1.4300. And I believe that in the next 10 days, 2 weeks, we will have big moves in the markets and I wouldn`t be surprised if the dollar strengthned and equity markets would correct and possibly quite meaningfully. in NDTV video interview
